"Working 9 to 5, what a way to make a living.
Barely getting by, there’s no taking and no giving.
Want to get ahead, but the boss won’t give you credit!
Barely getting by, there’s no taking and no giving.
Want to get ahead, but the boss won’t give you credit!
It's enough to drive you crazy if you let it!”
Well, things just got worse. Now I have computer skills and they don’t!
So, the other day one of my fellow workers asked if I would look up some information on the Internet for him. He’s one of those people who can barely turn on the computer. What do they call them? Luddites. We’ll call him Sam. Sam just non-challantly strolled over to me and gave me a direct order. Well, I am not under his supervision but my boss and Sam often work together on assignments and so I told Sam, “Not right now. I’m in the middle of something. I can check tomorrow.” Sam thanked me and walked off.
My boss was not in for the rest of the afternoon or the next day so right away I began searching for the information Sam requested. Much to my surprise I found more than I bargained for. A sixty-page report on the topic of Sam’s request.
I went directly to the Office Manager and gave her a run down of Sam’s request.
“ …. Thing is, Sam would have never found this report, for that matter neither would my boss because they lack the necessary computer skills to gather this information. This particular report could make someone a lot of money if they have contacts in this field and I’m sure since most people in this field don’t have my area of expertise with computers, they would pay through their nose for this report. I don’t think this is something Sam should have in his possession so would you like to see the report and let me know what you think.”
She decided to take a look so I e-mailed the link.
After reviewing it she decided, “It’s not too bad. Don’t send the link just give him a photocopy and make sure it’s black & white.”
I wonder who else she sent it to?
I also brought to her attention that earlier that morning I did several searches on a related subject for my other boss, who also lacks computer skills, and together with this package was a goldmine and that made the matter even worse. Part of the assignment included a mailing list and I understand there is a market for these mailing lists and they are even sold online. One more thing, it had nothing to do with our line of work.
Where do we go from here? I’m in an entry level position and because of my level of expertise with computers and their lack of them, they will cash in on my work. I think this is worse than cashing in on an idea. A great idea comes once in awhile while I search for, and find, a goldmine of information every day.
Kids and their computers are now joined at the hip and these computers are an extension of themselves. Schools are now teaching kids, and it has been awhile that graduating high school classes have superior skills working on computers. It’s been my experience that there is a movement with the older workers who did not acquire a higher level of skills to hold the younger generation back intentionally, thereby holding back the Country as well.
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