Well, I’ve been working with a Firm in an Administrative capacity for the past ten months and I have so many beefs with no one to dump on so I’m going to put my thoughts down right here until I have enough ammunition to file a report with the Labour Board or Human Rights.
Let’s start with:
The Company I work for allows it’s employees to stay on staff after the normal retirement age of 65. This is mostly due to the fact that it is basically a family owned organization and the founder of the company is 83 years old and is still the company’s CEO. Therefore, in my section of the office there are several employees past retirement age. One is probably about 80 and there are several about 70 and many close to 65 who plan on “staying active” until they drop dead because they have “things to accomplish” and also plan on working until that day. The Provincial Legislation that was put in place recently whereby allowing everyone to work until Judgment Day didn’t help this situation so I expect this situation to get worse until some of these people kick the bucket. The Company’s profile, their views and the way they handle all aspects of operation reflects on this one thing – senility and just how long you can hang onto it until they get rid of you – oh, they’ll find a way. Are you sure?
Well, along with this age thing comes this compulsion to not let us “Spring Chickens” in on their “Trade Secrets” and they basically keep all their contact names and all the wisdom they have gained from their research reports and experience filed NOT in alphabetical order, with just a bit of critical info nowhere to be found – and so by doing this they maintain the upper hand.
Let’s start with:
The Company I work for allows it’s employees to stay on staff after the normal retirement age of 65. This is mostly due to the fact that it is basically a family owned organization and the founder of the company is 83 years old and is still the company’s CEO. Therefore, in my section of the office there are several employees past retirement age. One is probably about 80 and there are several about 70 and many close to 65 who plan on “staying active” until they drop dead because they have “things to accomplish” and also plan on working until that day. The Provincial Legislation that was put in place recently whereby allowing everyone to work until Judgment Day didn’t help this situation so I expect this situation to get worse until some of these people kick the bucket. The Company’s profile, their views and the way they handle all aspects of operation reflects on this one thing – senility and just how long you can hang onto it until they get rid of you – oh, they’ll find a way. Are you sure?
Well, along with this age thing comes this compulsion to not let us “Spring Chickens” in on their “Trade Secrets” and they basically keep all their contact names and all the wisdom they have gained from their research reports and experience filed NOT in alphabetical order, with just a bit of critical info nowhere to be found – and so by doing this they maintain the upper hand.
Can’t we figure it out for ourselves? As a matter of fact, yes, I did. Worked against me. How can I learn if I don’t ask questions? I already knew this stuff. How did I know how to work the computer if no one showed me? I went back to College for a diploma before re-entering the workforce. What else can I do? No one has to know as far as they’re concerned.
And boy can they schmooze! You may not realize this, but they know without a doubt that schmoozing really throws us ‘yung ‘uns a curve ball.
When all else fails, SCHMOOZE.
When you don’t know the answer, SCHMOOZE.
When you don’t want to give them an answer, SCHMOOZE.
When you think they know more than you, SCHMOOZE.
When you don’t want them to get one up on you, SCHMOOZE.
When you want to “Get the Goods” on someone, SCHMOOZE.
And last but not least …
You’ll never close a deal until you learn the art of SCHMOOZING.
They know from all their experience that if they ask you about your kids, compliment your clothes and hair or even your car, you will let down your guard and there’s something in it for them.
And so I was delighted to accept this entry level job offer with this well establish organization. It’s true. The real reason being – I had been working temporary assignments for about four years waiting for a good opportunity but the job market was so bad and I didn’t get any offers that I finally settled for whatever came up first. Oh how very grateful I am! It’s true.
After ten months of employment I’ve had my dose of their antics. Along with the SCHMOOZING comes the SET UPS. The way they see it if things don’t go their way, set some one up for a fall, lay blame on someone else, destroy your Admin’s reputation so no one will believe anything she says. Keep her in the dark and feed her manure until she really screws up and you can fire her without anyone blaming you for anything and I’ve decided to wait until that day because then my wait for Unemployment benefits will be shorter because if I quit I may not qualify at all.
And boy can they schmooze! You may not realize this, but they know without a doubt that schmoozing really throws us ‘yung ‘uns a curve ball.
When all else fails, SCHMOOZE.
When you don’t know the answer, SCHMOOZE.
When you don’t want to give them an answer, SCHMOOZE.
When you think they know more than you, SCHMOOZE.
When you don’t want them to get one up on you, SCHMOOZE.
When you want to “Get the Goods” on someone, SCHMOOZE.
And last but not least …
You’ll never close a deal until you learn the art of SCHMOOZING.
They know from all their experience that if they ask you about your kids, compliment your clothes and hair or even your car, you will let down your guard and there’s something in it for them.
And so I was delighted to accept this entry level job offer with this well establish organization. It’s true. The real reason being – I had been working temporary assignments for about four years waiting for a good opportunity but the job market was so bad and I didn’t get any offers that I finally settled for whatever came up first. Oh how very grateful I am! It’s true.
After ten months of employment I’ve had my dose of their antics. Along with the SCHMOOZING comes the SET UPS. The way they see it if things don’t go their way, set some one up for a fall, lay blame on someone else, destroy your Admin’s reputation so no one will believe anything she says. Keep her in the dark and feed her manure until she really screws up and you can fire her without anyone blaming you for anything and I’ve decided to wait until that day because then my wait for Unemployment benefits will be shorter because if I quit I may not qualify at all.

And this is my favourite:
Don’t give them anything to do. It’s enough to drive you to insanity having to go to work at 9:00 everyday to do NOTHING until 5:00 for long periods of time. After some time passes you suddenly realize you’ve lost some of your skills and now you can compete with the elders. It also doesn’t help matters that I have a 5’ by 5’ cubicle (cage) with 6’ tall dividing walls to work in. But I persevere knowing full well that if I leave there are no jobs waiting for me, the employment market is horrible.
I’m single again and my boss wants me to have a man. He’ll set me up. I wonder what’s in it for him? I’d rather spend my time with my children who my ex husband managed to steal from me but this is not in my boss's agenda since I’m sure he thinks I’m easier to hook up without kids in the picture. I outright told him I’m not interested so he uses me as a decoy in setting up others. I don’t think it’s my imagination that he’s doing this. I wonder what’s in it for him?
I did work at a temp placement where the woman who was supervising me offered to hook me up. They’ll give her a finders fee (I don’t know who) and she was willing to split it with me. Not having children is an asset.
I’ve also come to realize that the industry, in this case, is a little shady. Mostly because of all the SCHMOOZING the elders have been doing all these years. Now that most people entering the workforce have college and university under their belts, while the elders don’t, things will change. Not if they can help it.
But the real problem stems from decades ago when I married a man who’s family members wanted to get ahead in life at any cost and were able to totally destroy my children and I in the process. It comes with the territory. And what a coincidence that these same family members of his are clients of my bosses without my knowledge at the time I accepted the job. Is this a set up? I’d bet on it! That’s my pay back for marrying into that slime ball, sleazebag family that I was so happy to be rid of at the time of our divorce. Not likely as far as they’re concerned.
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