Well, looks like it will take awhile for the Labour Board to deal with my complaint. The other day I followed up on my claim and I was told that because of the backlog it will take at least six months for it to be assigned to an Investigation Officer.
In the meantime, just after I had been on Employment Insurance benefits for a month, I received a letter from EI asking me to attend an information session at one of their offices. I was delighted! Of course, I’ll be there with bells on!
There was a bunch of us there and the EI Speaker at that session advised us of all the programs available to us through EI to help get us back to work. She wanted us to take advantage of them, I could tell! So after signing up for a Workshop I was redirected to a Counselor and who suggested I sign up the Job Finding Club held at their office. Well, it fit in with my schedule and it was just a short drive away. It was a three-week program from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. every day.
There was an interesting bunch of people there. I was surprised that about half had University degrees and the other half had Diplomas, Certificates or some kind of Trade Papers and all of us were desperately looking for a GOOD job. The course offered lots of advice and good ideas that covered everything to do with finding a job in today’s market.
Time well spent!
After three weeks passed and all of us having sent lots of resumes everyday, making cold calls and some going for interviews, we parted ways with one of us finding employment, one other accepting a temporary position and the rest of us still unemployed.
~ Just how bad is this job market? ~
You said it!

We’ll keep in touch!